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引起廣大迴響,最近又找到能夠訓練聽力又增強字彙的好網站: Scientific American Podcast
第一種是60-second Science(六十秒科學),以一分鐘左右的時間介紹一則科學相關新發現,每日更新,內容包羅萬象。
第二種是60-second Psych(六十秒心理學),以一分鐘左右的時間介紹一則心理學相關新發現,每週更新,內容也是相當有趣。
第三種是60-second Earth(六十秒地球),以一分鐘左右的時間介紹一則環境科學相關新發現,每週更新,是關心環境議題的朋友不容錯過的。
第四種是Science Talk(科學訪談),比起前三種短文式的,這是比較長的,且是談話性質的。因為沒有transcript,所以只能靠耳朵啦!
綜合以上,根據個人經驗,60-second Science速度最快,其他三種屬於正常速度。你自己可以比較看看!
如果沒有這個步驟,假如邊聽邊看,其實自己並不知道聽到的哪一個字是盲點,經由這樣的反覆練習,除了能提昇辨別native speaker的字與字之間連音的能力外,還能夠猜出不熟悉的字彙的拼音。以下便是一個例子。
A team of archeologists working in Jordan has made a discovery that represents a new chapter in the story of our ancestors' move from foraging to farming. The researchers unearthed an ancient granary. The round, mud hut dates back more than 11,000 years. A raised floor was key for keeping grain dry and out of reach of hungry rats. But what makes the find so special is that the granary was built a thousand years before people ate domesticated crops. The report appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The researchers found caches of wild barley and oats inside the structure. Such evidence of a dedicated food-storage edifice has never been recorded from the pre-pottery Neolithic age. The investigators say this selective cultivation and management of wild plants shows behaviors that led to agriculture. What’s more, the granaries were built in-between houses and buildings used for food processing, which led to the establishment of more permanent settlements. By stockpiling a food surplus, our predecessors produced a new societal structure and curbed their wandering ways. Which then led to today’s foraging for junk food in supermarket aisles.
A team of archaeologists working in Jordan has made a discovery that represents a new chapter in the story of our ancestors’ move from forging to farming. The researchers unearthed an ancient granary. The round mud hut dates back to more than 11,000 years. A raised floor was key for keeping the grains ?? out of reach of hungry rats. But what makes the finding so special is that the granary was built 1000 years before people ate domesticated crops. The report appears in the ?? of the National Academy of Sciences.
The researchers found caches of wild barley and oats inside the structure. Such evidence have dedicated to food stores and ?? have never been recorded from the prepottery kneel of gate The investigators say that the selected cultivation of management of wild plants shows the behaviors that led to agriculture. What’s more, the granaries were built between houses and buildings used for food processing which led to the establishment of a more permanent settlement. By stockpiling the food surplus, our predecessors produced a new societal structure and curve the wondering ways, which then led to today’s forging for junk food in supermarket aisles.
forging --> foraging 這個字是我沒看過的,但聽起來很像。搜尋的意思,特指搜尋食物。eg. forage for food
date back to --> date back 往前數多少年不用 to
dry: 這麼簡單的字竟然聽不出來,唉唉...
finding --> find 也可以當名詞,隨機找到的有價值的東西。findings是指研究新發現,永遠都是複數。